
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Window 7 Lesson -1)-K

Changing Your Parental Controls Settings

Time Limits

The Time limits settings allow you to control when your child can use the computer. Click and drag from any box to allow or block a section of time. If you want, you can set different time limits on different days. For example, you may want to allow more computer use on weekends.

Time limits Time limits


The Games settings allow you to select which game ratings to allow, and you can also allow or block specific games. First you'll have to click Yes to allow your child to play games, then you can change your Games settings.

Games settings Games settings

Here we have selected "Everyone" as the highest rating allowed. That means the child can play games rated "Everyone" OR "Early Childhood."

Game ratings Game ratings

Allow and Block Specific Programs

Allow and block specific programs controls which non-game programs your child can use. By default, your child can use all non-game programs. But there may be some programs you don't want your child to use like a financial or email program. Here's how to block specific programs:

  1. Click Will Jr can only use the programs I allow.
  2. Click Check All.
  3. Uncheck the programs you want to block.
Non-game programs Non-game programs

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